Guilherme Bernstein


    Algumas Canções
in Portuguese, by different authors
Algumas Canções - sample cover

in Portuguese, poems by Cecília Meireles
Premiered by Edinéia de Oliveira, José Hue & Kátia Balloussier
Academia Brasileira de Letras and Sala Cecí­lia Meireles, Rio de Janeiro, 2001.
Cancioneiro - sample cover

    Estrela da Vida Inteira
in Portuguese, poems by Manuel Bandeira
Cancioneiro - sample cover

    Dreaming through the Twiglight
in English, poems by Christina Rossetti
Premiered by Tania Prates-Rein & Guilherme Bernstein
Centro Cultural Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro, 1997.
Dreaming_through_the_Twilight - sample cover
Dreaming_through_the_Twilight - sample cover
Dreaming_through_the_Twilight - sample cover

    Rosto no Espelho
in Portuguese, poems by Ricardo Bicca de Alencastro
Premiered by Frederico de Assis & Guilherme Bernstein
at Trinity College, Hartford CT, US, 1995.
Rosto no Espelho - sample cover

    O oposto do abraço
in Portuguese, poems by Guilherme Bernstein
O oposto do abraço - sample cover

    Aceitação e Chegada
two songs from "O Oposto do Abraço"; in Portuguese
chamber orquestra version premiered on February 15th, 2023
by Chiara Santoro and Priscila Bomfim at Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro,
in the show Vertentes Modernistas
Aceitação e Chegada - sample cover
Aceitação e Chegada - sample cover

    Por Amar
in Portuguese, poems by Pedro Lyra
Por Amar - sample cover
Por Amar voz aguda - sample cover

    The Day Dream
in English, poems by Dante Gabriel Rosseti
The Day Dream - sample cover
The Day Dream - sample cover

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