in Portuguese, poems by Cecília Meireles
Premiered by Edinéia de Oliveira, José Hue & Kátia Balloussier
Academia Brasileira de Letras and Sala Cecília Meireles,
Rio de Janeiro, 2001.
Estrela da Vida Inteira
in Portuguese, poems by Manuel Bandeira
Dreaming through the Twiglight
English, poems by Christina Rossetti
Premiered by Tania Prates-Rein & Guilherme Bernstein
Centro Cultural Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro, 1997.
Rosto no Espelho
in Portuguese, poems by Ricardo Bicca de Alencastro
Premiered by Frederico de Assis & Guilherme Bernstein
at Trinity College, Hartford CT, US, 1995.
O oposto do abraço
in Portuguese, poems by Guilherme Bernstein
Aceitação e Chegada
two songs from "O Oposto do Abraço"; in Portuguese
chamber orquestra version premiered on February 15th, 2023
by Chiara Santoro and Priscila Bomfim at Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro,
in the show Vertentes Modernistas