Guilherme Bernstein

"A true masterpiece!"
Lauro Gomes, Rádio MEC, about "O Caixeiro da Taverna", Rio de Janeiro, 2018

“The enthusiasm about the talent of the youth was great (…) under the sovereign direction of Guilherme Bernstein, who brought together the individual talents into an homogeneous body of sound. (…) playing that got into ones skin. Some in the audience could hardly bear the tension and were so enthusiastic as to sometimes applaud too early.”
Neue Zeitung, Germany

“Orquestra Sinfônica de Barra Mansa: a miracle beyond any review and reviewer (…) from the beginning one noticed the orchestra’s aplomb, the absence of harsh sonorities or subdued strings, the presence of woods and brass of absolute correctness (…) such playing is sure due to the work of conductor Guilherme Bernstein, expressive in his commanding gestures, choosing appropriated tempi and elaborating details and sonorities. Without an energetic conductor, inspired and demanding, such ensemble would not be going as far.”
Marcus Góes, reviewer.

Barra Mansa Symphony Orchestra changes lives and creates new public for classical music.

“Throughout more than 40 years of my compositional career I experienced many premieres. None, however, like that of last night, in its quality and in the strong emotion that it caused me.”
H.Dawid Korenchendler, Brazilian Composer

“… a composition (Piano Concerto) of indescribable beauty and strength (…) when will we listen to something like it again?”
La Prensa Gráfica, El Salvador

“es para nosotros un gran honor interpretar su música, toda nuestra orquesta quedo muy contenta”
Maestro Ramon Rodríguez, Orquestra de Camara de el Salvador

“The 2006 lyrical season brought (…) the revelation of the name of the young and promising Guilherme Bernstein from Rio”
Lauro Machado Coelho, Revista Concerto, São Paulo

“We got absolutely enchanted by the music you wrote. This is to thank you for your contribution to the Brazilian Lyrical repertoire”
João Batista Natali, Folha de São Paulo

“The audience reacted enthusiastically to (Guilherme Bernstein’s) songs...”
Stolberger Nachrichter, Germany